Homicidal Son

Ever since Taco Man's death, his son has never been the same. His son had been overdosing on weed that night, so it kinda makes sense. His son's name was Jeffery. Jeffery loved his dad very much, and did all he can to help his dad with the recent divorce. But then, on the same night Taco Man went missing, Jeffery went missing. The police became suspicious, and blamed it on Mrs. Taco.
Mrs. Taco claimed she was asleep that night, and went to check on her husband, but he was gone. The next few weeks went on, with nothing strange happenings, until Mrs. Taco's murder happened. Mrs. Taco was assaulted by a strange figure in the night, that looked like her husband's ghost or something; which made the police even more suspicious that Taco Man is still alive, and was the murderer.
Then, the very next day, Chief Luigi, who had been the police chief for 6 years, was murdered on the scene of the crime, found in the same dumpster with the console plunged through his chest. His eyes were gouged out. Luigi's head was hanging from wires. Since then, Mr. Taco and Mrs. Taco's house has been abandoned and condemned. Who ever visits the house however, claims to see Jeffery's face in the window, sitting next to Taco Man's corpse, holding the game console which is covered in blood and guts.